第十四周課程 Week 14 Class 11-23-2019
**本周上課內容 What we learn this week:
期末考試。Final Exam.
感謝家長們的配合與支持。Thanks for your cooperation and support.
恭喜Ella和Jayme在這次考試中獲得滿分A+! Congratulation to Ella and Jayme who got A+ in this exam!
還有四位沒有參與考試的小朋友的家長請在拿到我發給你們的試題後爭取在12月1日之前讓小朋友們在家裡把聽力、閱讀、寫作部分做完並發送給我,學校這邊需要登記成績。 謝謝合作!
恭喜Ella和Jayme在這次考試中獲得滿分A+! Congratulation to Ella and Jayme who got A+ in this exam!
還有四位沒有參與考試的小朋友的家長請在拿到我發給你們的試題後爭取在12月1日之前讓小朋友們在家裡把聽力、閱讀、寫作部分做完並發送給我,學校這邊需要登記成績。 謝謝合作!
** 本周作業 Homework this week:
期末考試卷已經發給了小朋友們,以下是試卷答案,家長可以幫小朋友們複習一下錯了的地方,最後一週會用一部分時間為他們評講一下試題。The exam paper already gave back to the students and the answer of the final is below. Parents can help them to correct and review the exam paper if you want. In the last day of school I will try to go through all the answer with the students.
*****期末考試答案 The Answer of Final Exam******