
顯示從 1月, 2023 起發佈的文章

第二周課程 Week 2 Class - 1/28/23

 本週上課內容What we have learned this week: 1.復習聲調 Reviewed the tone 2.學習H2第一課課文(讀➕理解) Studied the text of Lesson 1(Read and comprehended) 3.學習第一課的新字詞 Studied the new Chinese words of Lesson 1 4.做兔子面具 Made rabbit mask. 本週功課Homework for this week: 1.H2 練習冊1-6頁 H2 Workbook page 1-6 2.通過Quizlet復習第二冊第1課的生詞(optional) Review Lesson 1’s vocabulary on Quizlet (optional) 美洲華語第二冊 第1課生詞 https://quizlet.com/768202751/%E7%BE%8E%E6%B4%B2%E8%8F%AF%E8%AA%9E%E7%AC%AC%E4%BA%8C%E5%86%8A-%E7%AC%AC1%E8%AA%B2%E7%94%9F%E8%A9%9E-flash-cards/?i=3r4wgt&x=1jqY https://quizlet.com/768202751/%E7%BE%8E%E6%B4%B2%E8%8F%AF%E8%AA%9E%E7%AC%AC%E4%BA%8C%E5%86%8A-%E7%AC%AC1%E8%AA%B2%E7%94%9F%E8%A9%9E-flash-cards/?i=3r4wgt&x=1jqY

第一周課程 Week 1 Class - 1/14/23

本週上課內容 What we have learned this week: : 1.交代下周兔年迎春活動的相關事宜,詳見下圖。 Went over some details about next week’s New Year celebration. 2.複習聲調。 Practice tone. 3.複習Heritage 1 的11-14課的字/詞,玩賓果遊戲、Quizlet配對遊戲 。15-16課由於時間關係只讀了一遍。 Reviewed the words we had learned for Lesson 11 - 14 then played Bingo game & Quizlet matching game. Only read once for Lesson 15 -16 due to the time was not enough.  本週功課 Homework of this week:  1.點擊以下鏈接 https://quizlet.com/join/R9AbS64ZW 加入Quizlet的Heritage 1 班級分別點進裡面的3個學習集的“單詞卡”模式複習後點“配對”去玩遊戲, (请注册账号并登录) 系統會自動記錄時間, 畢竟是計時的大家加油呀~ 歡迎也用一下其他模式哦!! Click the link to join Class Heritage 1 on Quizlet. Join all three Study Sets and then use the Flashcards mode to review the words of Lesson 11 to 16 then use Match mode to review the words. (Please create an account and log in first!!if you don't have one already) System will record the time if you are logged in  so please try to do it as fast and correct as possible~😌Welcome to try the other modes btw!! 2.練習寫自己的名字。請將郵件附件打印