第九周課程Week 9 Class - 3/25/23
本週上課內容What we have learned this week: 1.復習第四課的課文和已學的字詞 。 Reviewed the text and words we had learned for Lesson 4. 2.玩遊戲復習第四課已學的字。 Reviewed through games. 3.學習第四課后半部分字詞。 Studied the rest of Lesson 4's words. 本週功課Homework for this week: 1.練習冊55-58, 61-64頁。(注意看頁數哦,不然全部做怕太多了😂) Workbook page55-58,61-64. (Pay attention to the page numbers~) 2.用Quizlet復習第四課所以字詞。(兩個鏈接都要做哦!做之前記得登錄賬號哦~) Review Lesson 4 through Quizlet. (Need to do both of the links!! Don't forget to log in before you do these.) 第四課前半部分生詞:https://quizlet.com/782769587/美洲華語第二冊-第四課一-flash-cards/?funnelUUID=53d0f310-4823-4ae8-a5c0-5cacf44e95ea 第四課後半部分生詞:https://quizlet.com/786833193/美洲華語第二冊-第四課二-flash-cards/?funnelUUID=3216d0c5-5f32-4b0c-b785-a0fea2d68d11