第六周課程Week 6 Class - 2/25/23
本週上課內容What we have learned this week: 1.復習第二課的課文和字詞 Reviewed the text and words of Lesson 2 2.第二課課後故事:鳥媽媽的蛋不見了 Studied the story of Lesson 2 3.學習第三課前半部分字詞 Studied the first part of Lesson 3' words 4.聽感謝歌(之後會學) Listened to the Thank You Song(will learn this later) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ehzlBzQs-r0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LqqR-EvTEXA ★★We will have a small test for Lesson 1-3 next week★★ 本週功課Homework for this week: 1.練習冊34 - 41頁。 Workbook page 34 - 41. 2.修正上周功课中被圈出的错误,把正确答案写在旁边。 Amend the wrong part ⭕ from last week's homework, please write the correct answer next to it. 3.通過Quizlet復習第二冊第3課的生詞。 Review Lesson 3’s vocabulary on Quizlet. https://quizlet.com/777831395/美洲华语第二册-第三课生词1-flash-cards/