
顯示從 11月, 2022 起發佈的文章

第十三週課程 Week 13 Class - 11/19/22

 本週上課內容 What we have learned this week: 1.聲調練習。 Practiced tone. 2.第八單元故事: 讀故事,談談細節。 Unit 8 story : Read &Talked about the story. 3.簡單剪紙:魚&雪花。 Simple paper cutting. 以下是類似的視頻教程: 🐟YouTube链接:  https://youtu.be/dXoisOMwb1Y ❄️YouTube链接:  https://youtu.be/ik7bEpspPjs 寒假作業 Winter Break Homework: 完成練習冊P145-164。💁具體要求如下: Finish workbook P145-164.  Specific requirements as follow: 1.共20頁,4個部分。請適當安排時間,每週做一部分,不要一下子全部做完或者開學前才寫。這樣就算放假了也不至於對中文太生疏,寫的時候壓力也不會太大。 Total is 20 pages, 4 parts. Please arrange time and do some of them each week. Don't finish all of them at once so students can get some practice about Chinese each week. 2.寫作業前請翻開課本至少讀一遍對應的課文和生詞再做,加強記憶。如果不懂意思的詞要大膽詢問家長。可以手機下載 Meizhou Chinese 這個軟件來輔助學習。 Before students write the workbook, please ask them to open the textbook and read the according text & vocabulary at least once. If they have issuses understanding any of them please explain to them. You can download the app Meizhou Chinese to help students study at...

第十二週課程 Week 12 Class - 11/12/22

本週是考試週,恭喜同學們都順利通過了考試! 本週作業是字帖,每個人的都不同,請注意查收郵件哦 ;)!

第十一週課程 Week 11 Class - 11/5/22

 本週上課內容 What we have learned this week: 1.做紅繩手鏈。 Made red rope bracelets. You can click the link below if you wanna watch the video again.  如果有興趣繼續鑽研歡迎戳油管鏈接:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKAq_u-0Pxw 或者直接看以下視頻: 2.講解並做了期末考試練習卷的聽力部分和口語部分。 Explained how the Practice paper & final exam work to the students & did the Listening & Speaking parts together.   🔅🔅🔅下週六就是期末考試啦!🔅 Final Exam is on next Saturday🔅🔅🔅 本週作業 Homework: 1.做練習卷(一共三張紙,5頁) Finish the Final Exam Practice paper (3 papers total, 5 pages) 也可以戳:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NCSenOAJBFRGXsiywMwn8faPDyC_lqWlb7gTo2x70xo/edit?usp=sharing 2.為期末考試複習 (除了口語的某幾道題目外範圍基本上都是14-16課以及識字比賽1-50裡學過的那20+個字) Prepare for the coming exam.( Examination Scope: Mainly Lesoon 14 - 16 & the 20+ words that we have learned in Vocab Contest 1-50, see the attached quizlet link)