
顯示從 9月, 2019 起發佈的文章

第七周課程 Week 7 Class -9-28-2019

** 本周上課內容 What we learn this week: 1. 說故事比賽練習。 Story-telling Contest practice. 2. 複習37 個注音符號。Review all Bopomofo phonics . 3. 複習美洲華語首冊第六課。Review Lesson 6. ** 本周作業 Homework this week: 1 . 複習以下說故事比賽Quizlet 最少5次。Review Story-telling Quizet below at least 5 times. 2. 看以下注音符號影片最少3次。Watch Bopomofo video below at least 3 times. 3 . 說 故事比賽作業單1張。請爸爸媽媽幫忙小朋友們完成說故事比賽作業單。這次說故事比賽     的主題是以 禮儀倫理 為主。請爸爸媽媽和小朋友討論後,幫助小朋友一起寫下一句任何和     禮儀倫理有關的句子 (用注音即可),並請小朋友在旁邊的格子內畫上圖畫。     Story-telling contest worksheet *1. Parents please help your kids complete the Story-telling      contest worksheet. The topic for Story-telling contest is "Good Manners". Parents please      discuss with your kids about what the good manners is and help them write down a      Chinese sentences related to it. They can write with "Bopomofo". Ask kids to draw a picture      in the box on the left side.  ...

第六周課程 Week 6 Class -9-21-2019

** 本周上課內容 What we learn this week: 1. 說故事比賽練習。 Story-telling Contest practice. 2. 複習37 個注音符號。Review all Bopomofo phonics . ** 本周作業 Homework this week: 1 . 複習以下說故事比賽Quizlet 最少5次。Review Story-telling Quizet below at least 5 times. 2. 看以下注音符號影片最少3次。Watch Bopomofo video below at least 3 times.

第五周課程 Week 5 Class -9-14-2019

這週主要學習了第九課《顏色紙,真好看》,以及複習了第三到第七課的課文。其次初步學習了一下《Do Re MI》這首歌曲。 This week we mainly learned Lesson 9 《Colored Paper, so Beautiful》and reviewed the texts from Lesson 3 to Lesson 7. And then we started to learn how to sing<Do Re Mi>. FYI: 由於個人原因需要離開回國一個月,網絡環境允許的話到時會盡量繼續更新,不然博文可能會停更四周,敬請諒解。 FYI:I will leave about a month to China because of personal reason. I may try to keep updating the Blogger if I can. Otherwise, this blogger will stop updating for 4 weeks. I am very sorry for the inconvenience. 以下是小朋友們需要複習的詞彙。 Here are the vocabulary they need to review this week. 以下是《Do Re Mi》的學唱版: Here is the video for <Do Re Mi>. 這個是課堂上播放的現場版,請家長根據小朋友的興趣播放相應版本讓他們熟悉一下歌曲哦, 謝謝:)。 This is  a live version of this song. Please play one of them to your kids according to their interests. If they can follow and sing together would be great. Thanks for your cooperation.

第四周課程 Week 4 Class -9-7-2019

這週主要講了貓咪一家吃了白雲做的麵包後飛起來了的故事,《白雲麵包》,以及再次複習了一下第八課的詞彙。其次還教了三個基本禮儀和讓他們熟悉了一下期末表演的歌曲。 This week we mainly reviewed the vocabulary of Lesson 8, learned a story about a family of cats can fly after they eat the special bread that made from cloud, three good manners and listened the song that we are going to practice for the end of semester performance.  以下是我們昨天複習的詞彙。 Here are the vocabulary of Lesson 8 that we reviewed yesterday.